Mistakes Were Made

It’s all been one misunderstanding.  A BIG MISTAKE.

Huffing, puffing, and running for my life isn’t something I’m cut out for.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me take you back to a peaceful time. This is before a giant monster with a triangle tattoo started chasing me. It’s back when life made a little more sense. Continue reading “Mistakes Were Made”

A Hidden Talent

What’s so bad about being a rubber duck? Well for one, Deb couldn’t float.

She splashed and wiggled in the pool water. It was pointless. She couldn’t get herself to float. Exhausted, she gathered the last of her energy to try to dive back on her island.

She missed. Her pink inflatable chair was just out of reach.

Deb sunk more. Continue reading “A Hidden Talent”